Stephen Haunts is an award-winning author who lives in rural Derbyshire in the United Kingdom with his wife and two children. Stephen and his family are fans of theme-parks and rollercoasters where he’s happiest hanging upside down, hurtling along a rollercoaster track at 100kph. When he is not strapped to a rollercoaster he can be found sitting at his desk writing novels.
Stephen has spent most of his career working in technology and software development, but space travel and the planet Mars has fascinated him ever since he was a child. Mars is the one planet that has the potential for humanity to colonise and call home.
As new technologies have emerged, NASA and other organisations sent probes and rovers to explore the red planet. In the not too distant future, we may also send the first humans there to live and explore.
As a writer, Stephen was keen to write a novel about Mars, where he aimed it at a younger audience for several reasons. First, children have fantastic imaginations that can be fired up through fiction. Second, by reading fun and future looking stories, Stephen hopes he can inspire future generations of children to work in science and engineering, and help humanity reach for the stars.